MVC Kids

Kindergarten – 5th grade

Sunday Mornings – 9 AM

Nursery (birth – potty-trained)

Our workers strive to help our youngest know that church is a warm and safe place to be, where people love and care for them, and where parents can feel confident their children will be loved on.


Children (3 years – 5th grade)

Because children learn by observing and by direct instruction, we have a twofold approach on Sunday mornings. Children start out in their classes for teaching at their level during the message (which is at the beginning of the adult service) and then join their parents for our worship time at the end of the service.

Wee Worship (3 years – K)

Children start out in their own class in the small trailer where they are taught about the truths of God’s Word in an age-appropriate setting and then join their families in “Big Church” for our end of service worship time.

Wonder Worship (1st through 5th grade)

Starting out in their classes in the large trailer, children are led by our staff of loving teachers who will help make the Bible alive and assist parents as they disciple their children in the faith. Later in the morning, the children are dismissed so they can be a part of the worship time with their families.

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Wednesday evenings

from September – April

6:05 PM-7:50 PM

Registration Open Here!

Puggles (2-3)  Cubbies (3-PreK)  Sparks (K-2)  TnT (3rd-5th)

The Awana ministry includes three parts: scripture memorization and understanding (handbook time), game time, and a story time. Awana helps the church give children a sound Biblical foundation, which they can carry with them for their entire lives. Majestic View Church’s Awana ministry is one of over 12,000 clubs around the world!

There are many ways for parents to help their children grow in their relationship with God through Awana. Specifically, they can work daily with them on the verses in the Awana handbooks. They can also answer the many questions their child may have as a result of participating in AWANA and encourage them as they work toward specific awards.

Our MVC AWANA club is led by a team of 60+ faithful workers, several of which have, themselves, received the coveted Citation Award for completing 10 Awana handbooks between 3rd and 12th grade. Many leaders have worked in AWANA for over a decade providing a rich and stable program.

FYI:  The acronym AWANA comes from 2nd Timothy 2:15 “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” AWANA stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” 

Join us weekly on Tuesdays from 10-11 AM!

Expert readers engage children with topical books and a complimentary craft. Bring your preschoolers and elementary children and join us in the Children’s Museum.

Special Events

Vacation Bible School

June 16-20, 2025

8:55 AM – 12:15 PM


Howdy, partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! There’s no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day long. But how can yer kids do that if they don’t know who Jesus is or what he’s done for them?

Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory. Register for Wonder Junction at Majestic View Church or sign up to Volunteer using the Volunteer Link at the top of the page.

Children’s Christmas Choir

October – December

Calling all kids who like to sing and act to join our creative team of Worship leaders. Watch here for details.



If you are interested in volunteering in any Children’s ministry, please talk to our Ministry Leaders

or email the church office ( and we’ll let them know!